Tag Archives: criminal defense in Indiana

How To Defend Yourself Against False Accusations of Domestic Violence
You should always take domestic violence seriously and, most often, take the victim’s side. But unfortunately, there have been cases in which someone has been falsely accused of domestic violence. Being falsely accused is also a serious offense, and it is crucial that you know your rights and how to defend yourself if you… Read More »

How a DUI in Indiana Can Affect Your Life
People may not believe that driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), drugs (recreational or prescription), or both (DWI) is a severe crime. However, a DUI or DWI in Indiana is, in fact, a criminal offense, and there are significate consequences that will affect your life. Under Indiana law, you can be charged with… Read More »

What is the difference between a burglary and robbery in Indiana?
When someone uses the words burglary and robbery, that person may think, or you may even believe that they mean the same thing. However, although these two words are closely related, they are actually different crimes. So, what is the difference between a burglary and a robbery? Our Indiana criminal law attorneys are breaking… Read More »

Need an experienced bankruptcy, criminal defense, or family law attorney in Terre Haute?
It’s the beginning of a new year and for most people, that means a fresh start. For us, it means it’s a perfect time to review our core services with you, and how we help our clients. When you choose our attorneys in Terre Haute, at Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm, the most important… Read More »