Visitation Rights in Indiana
Your marriage might not have worked out, and you might not be able to keep your children in your custody, but you still have a right to see your children. However, you may have to fight to protect your visitation rights in Indiana.
Also known as “parenting time,” your visitation with your children is important, but your former spouse might try to prevent or limit this time. If you’re concerned that your visitation rights are being limited but aren’t sure what your next steps should be, contact Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm. We can review your rights and make sure you’re getting the time with your children that you deserve.
You Have a Right to Visit
Generally, you should have specific, planned parenting time with your children. This could mean that they live with you on the weekends or that you have supervised time with them at their home. No matter how much time you’re scheduled to have with your children, you should get every second you’re entitled to.
Unless it’s proven that you’re a danger to the child, your Indiana visitation rights are protected. If your former spouse has no grounds to accuse you of endangering the child, you shouldn’t be denied your visitation rights.
Claims that the children don’t want to go, that they have a minor illness, or that they have other plans aren’t acceptable excuses. An emergency may require rescheduling, but don’t let anyone prevent you from seeing your child when their actions aren’t warranted.
You Have a Right to Communicate
You also have the right to communicate with your children, within reason. This could include any of the following ways:
- Face-to-face conversation
- Telephone calls
- Texting
- Physical mail
- Email and other online services
If you’re improperly being prevented from communicating with your child, contact a lawyer. You may need to fight for communication with your child, and an attorney can guide you and fight for you.
You Have a Right to Fight Back
When your visitation rights in Indiana are not respected, you need help protecting your time with your children. Your children deserve time with their parent, and protecting your time with them is important.
If you think you’re not getting the rights to your child that you deserve, contact a lawyer at Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm. Ready to meet with an attorney? All it takes is calling 1-812-232-7400 or filling out the online contact form at the bottom of the page.